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Monday, 2 December 2013

Cell Phone/Mobile Tower Radiation-Health Effects-Law

Today Mobile Phones and Mobile/Cell Towers are the biggest single source of everyday exposure to electromagnetic radiation throughout the world. The electromagnetic fields produced by mobile phones are classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer as possibly carcinogenic to humans.

Cell towers can drastically reduce the property value where the Cell Tower is situated and also the adjacent property value. Insurance companies can legally dispute your insurance claim due to health hazards caused by the radiation emitting Mobile/Cell tower thereby denying you insurance claims. Check out your insurance clause for the same or contact your Cell Tower Attorney to consider your legal options and health insurance costs.

Developed countries have stringent rules regarding erection of CellTower/Mobile Towers in civilian areas. Any violation can result in damages in millions of dollars from the erring Mobile/Cell Companies. Health hazards caused to civilian population is directly linked with the Govt’s expenditure of the citizens’ health costs borne by the Governments in developed countries.  

Given the large number of mobile phone users especially in the poor, third world countries where rules are lax and are framed to protect the interests of the cell phone companies who bribe the corrupt government officials and rulers with a profit motive risking the health and lives on millions of people. Hence it is important to investigate, understand and monitor any potential public health impact.
In 2012, an Italian court issued a landmark judgment finding that a commerce manager was entitled to compensation from his company because of the brain tumor he had suffered that was caused by speaking on his mobile phone because his job demanded it.
The French health safety watchdog National Agency for Health and Environmental Safety said it would make a recommendation that children and heavy users of mobile phones limit their exposure to the devices to minimize the risk of health hazards. The various possible biological health effects in humans or animals include disruption to sleep, male fertility and cognitive performance due to mobile phone use.
France's Green party included in an education bill an amendment for French schools to use "wired" internet access rather than wi-fi based on the long-term effects of radiofrequency exposure among children. Use of wired access can prevent and reduce the impact of electromagnetic radiation and other health hazards.
The French watchdog recommends limiting the population’s exposure to radiofrequencies from mobile phones especially for children, intensive users, and controlling the overall exposure that results from relay antennas.
Cell phone companies try to circumvent or prevent authoritative study by way of poorly documenting communication protocols for 2G, 3G, and 4G networks which prevent or makes it difficult to prove linkage of use of mobile phones or radiation from mobile/cell towers to health hazards.
According to The WHO (World Health Organization), a large number of studies have been performed over the last two decades to assess whether mobile phones pose a potential health risk.
Mobile phones have prohibited in hospitals, airplanes, and near patients wearing pacemakers and other medical devices which can interfere with its functioning and cause malfunction and death as the radiofrequency signals may interfere with certain electro-medical devices and navigation systems.

The need of the hour is to have stringent laws regarding the use of mobile phone, Mobile/Cell Tower erections in civilian areas especially in poor/developing countries due to the increasing medical expenses especially the lack of healthcare benefits and the fact that medical costs are not borne by Governments in poor countries unlike developed countries.

Read more about cell tower/mobile tower and its risks here.

Keywords: Cell Tower Radiation, Mobile Phone Radiation, Cell Tower Attorney, Cell Tower Insurance Law, Cell Tower Insurance Disclaimer.

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