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Thursday, 24 September 2015

Social Media Law for Netizens - A Legal Guide to Internet Law

Technology and innovation are moving so fast that the law fails to keep up with these developments. Netizens in this “Digital Age” need to be aware of legal risks involved in the social media and the pitfalls in the highly litigious Internet landscape.  There have been instances where individuals have been arrested by the police for “Sharing and Liking” a Facebook post like the one that took place in India which created a furore among free speech activists. Academicians are worried about rampant plagiarism among school and college students where assignments are blindly copied from the Internet and passed off as their own work which kills creativity and amounts to academic fraud resulting in disciplinary action.  
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The laws and regulations pertaining to the Internet and the social media have become too intricate for the common user to comprehend due to its technicality, constant innovation and dynamic nature. With the advent of tracking technology in place, anonymity and privacy have taken a back seat making life difficult for whistle-blowers and Internet activists. 

The above book is a must read in this WhatsApp age for students, parents, teachers, academicians, judges, law enforcement, and others.